Sunday, September 30, 2012

Optimus Prime and Grimlock Hoodies for this Fall/Winter/ Halloween

Over at 80's tees, there are going to be offering some G1 Transformers Hoodies.
If you are looking for something to keep you warm, or need a simple idea for a Halloween party, I think this will work just fine.
So now, I am just waiting for a Starscream hoodie to be released.
These hoodies are not currently for sale, but expect them soon at a price of $60.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dredd is Bad Ass!!! Review Time!

So tonight, Robbie and myself went to see Dredd.  No, we did not see it in 3d, because the theatre did not offer it.  ( Apparently Finding Nemo needed the 3d this week).
Review and small spoilers after the break!

TMNT 3d Street Art

Spotted in London was this wicked TMNT 3d art, to celebrate the Nickelodeon launch of the new series.

[TH to Geektryant]

Thursday, September 27, 2012

new earth sized telescope to take first ever picture of black hole

this is so exciting guys
so they've linked a bunch of radio telescopes
all over the world
to create effectively one earth sized telescope
with higher magnification than anything we've ever even come close too.
so we're gonna take a picture of a black hole.
and that's just the beginning
i'm really incredibly excited for the upcoming months in astrophysics.

New Telescope to Take First-Ever Black Hole Photo

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lady Skeletor - Cosplay by Superhero Photography Adam Jay

The guy that brought you the awesome Venom Cosplay, has a wonderful female Skeletor.
Photographer Adam Jay shows his version of another Eternia.

Lady Skeletor
Model: Freddie Nova
Body Paint: Janie Walland
Photography: SuperHero Photography by Adam Jay
 — with Freddie Nova.

Cookie Monster and Grover come to Entertainment weekly.

It is another year and the Sesame Street gang has headed over to Entertainment Weekly.  Cookie and Grover sing about everything from Hunger Games, Newsroom and even Doctor Who.  Please just dont ask them to do anything Twilight.

We will update a video when we can find another source.  Otherwise, check out the sites for the video.
<TH jezebel, via EW>

Star Trek Cookie Cutters

Over at Think Geek, you can snag this very cute Star Trek cookie cutters for your next geek party.

Per Think Geek
The Star Trek Cookie Cutters are an officially licensed Star Trek collectible. Ready to blast your baking into the 23rd century, this series of five cookie cutters features the symbols of the Federation and Klingon Empire, the U.S.S. Dessert Sur... Enterprise, a phaser, and a Live Long and Nom hand... (Prosper, sorry, prosper.) Each cutter has a spring-mounted die for imprinting surface details onto your delicious goods. Now, boldly bake like no man or woman has before!

The Zombie Song by Stephanie Mabey

A wonderful love song about being a zombie.. they wouldnt want your brain, but they want your heart.

Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine, First Look

Here is the official look at Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine.  The new movie will focus on Logan in Japan as  deal with a mystery figure from his past that will leave him changed forever.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Finale is coming - Avengers vs X-men #12!

(Per Gamer Circle)
You’ve heard “it’s coming,” experienced  “no more Avengers,”  saw Cyclops take up the reigns as the “one” with the Phoenix Force and now it all comes to an explosive end in Avengers VS. X-Men #12! Following the harrowing events of the last issue, the blockbuster creative team of Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert, pit the combined might of the Avengers and the X-Men against the Dark Phoenix! But is it enough? And what role do the Scarlet Witch and Hope play in the final battle? Find out this October in Avengers VS X-Men #12!

Game of Thrones Visual Effect sizzle reel

 Game of Thrones on HBO is one of the best shows on TV today.  But something else that makes it great is the production and effects that go into these series.  The effects created by Pixomondo are amazing.  If you have not watched Game of Thrones yet, go now and watch on HBO GO or Itunes, than come back and watch this Sizzle Reel.  You will thank me!

Loki takes ALL THE PROPS!

Off to be a productive human being.

I may or may not post some more later tonight, got school and work for the rest of the day. So, remember,


A specter in the Eastern Veil. WOW!

How can anyone look at this and not think "Holy moly space is some cooooool shit!"

The Ultimate Escapist: A Reader

The Empire Strikes Back

I WILL be buying these.

These giant wall stickers are just so wonderful! I can't wait to get them (:

Everyone needs a little more street art in their lives.

Scene from the morning walk to the bus stop

Calvin and Hobbes is my philosophical basis for life.

My son, Calvin, made a new friend today.

We've got a badass over here!

As if you needed any more proof that Neil deGrasse Tyson is one BAMF.

Aww...but hahahaha...but awwwwwwww!

How to Irritate a Scientist..etc.

Chemistry is a Bitch.

De Sterrennact- The Starry Night- literally

 Vincent van Gogh's timeless painting, made up of pictures gathered from the Hubble Telescope!
So cool!

I'm gonna post a larger bit so you can see the detail, but it makes the page look kinda funny so be prepared!

Startalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Morgan Freeman!!

Startalk radio is the absolute best podcast ever, except ours of course ;)
Neil deGrasse Tyson <333
They had Morgan Freeman on the show on February 26th of this year. This is my favorite quote from the episode!

Stay positive! Good things will happen!

Remember when you were a child, and the simplest things brought you joy?

Splashing through a puddle on a rainy day, a neat-looking bug, freshly raked leaves.
These are the small beauties in life. These are what we often overlook in our hustle and bustle lives. 
Today, I ask you to slow down, and try to appreciate the glory that is hidden in each of our lives. 

Throughout my life, I never would have described myself as optimistic, until very recently.
It always seemed like bad shit just followed me. I was put into bad situation after bad situation, seemingly without my control. It had to stop somewhere.
Finally I decided one day to change my luck, change my life.

It may sound silly, but the simplest, most effective means to happiness is this:

Wake up every morning and tell yourself, "Today is a GLORIOUS day to be alive!!!"

Now, you might be thinking, that's too hard. What impact is it really going to have? I'm stuck in a dead end job, I'm lonely, I'm depressed. Just saying that doesn't mean I am going to believe it.
Here's the thing though: it does. I have suffered from depression throughout my life. When I first started this daily habit, there were many days that I just did not believe it. 
However, waking up positive brought the sunshine into my life.

Positive thinking is a powerful thing, people!! 

I recently read an article on LifeHacker about luck, a subject that I am very much interested in. I seem to go through very clearly defined cycles of good luck and bad luck.
Turns out, "lucky people" are real, as are "unlucky people."

Don't get me wrong; that doesn't mean that you should resign yourself to your fate as an unlucky person. 
YOU, and only you, have the power to change your luck.

Following up on the LH post, I looked a little more into the subject and found an incredible episode of a British show called "Derren Brown - The Experiments."

This episode was titled "The Secret of Luck."

If you have 45 minutes available, (which I know you do, get off netflix!!) go watch that video. It is absolutely fascinating. 

For those of you without the time, I'll briefly sum it up. Derren Brown does a number of social experiments. He has a whole series. In this episode, he starts a rumor in a small (gorgeous) town called Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England. This rumor is simply this question: "Have you heard of the lucky dog?"

In the park, there is a statue of a dog. After planting the idea that this statue is lucky, people start to believe it, and visit the dog in droves. The filmmakers follow 7 people to see if their new perspective had any impact on their luck and success.

Sure enough, six of the people chosen reported better luck, happiness, and success. However, one subject in particular said he had felt no effect.
This man described himself as unlucky. 

The producers decided to see how much of his "bad luck" was due to simply missed opportunities, so they put several potentially "lucky" scenarios in his path.

First, they slipped a scratch off into his mail, which, if scratched, would have won him a free TV.

He missed it.

Then, they put a 50 pound note directly in his path. No way he could miss that!

But he does.

So this raises the question: Is there really such thing as luck in the usual sense? Or do those people who identify as "lucky," truly simply see opportunities and take them?

That is what I would propose to you. Today, keep an eye out for those small things. A person struggling to change a tire on the side of the road. A woman who needs help carrying her groceries to her car.

Even just a person who looks like they could use a smile.

By helping people, you help yourself. By slowing down and appreciating the small things, you help your larger world to grow more brighter.

To sum up, 

If you invest positivity, smiles, and good will, good things will come from it.
By waking up every morning and telling myself that I WILL have a good day today, even if I don't believe it myself, I have created a happier, healthier person.

Good things come to those who believe they will. 
Believe in the beauty of this universe, and most of all,

Have a good day today! No matter what!


last post for the night

...too soon?

Plants vs Zombie, Gangnam Style???

It appears everyone is getting into Gangnam style.   A south Korean video that blew up very quickly has been recreated from everything Navy Officers to Deadpool.

It was also recently shown on SNL this weekend.

Now it appears that the people that created PVZ has got the Zombies doing some Gangnam style.  Enjoy!

Mars Curiosity Descent in Ultra HD

This incredible person worked very hard, full time for 29 days remaking this video frame by frame. Cleaned it up, sharpened it, and now it is as if we can actually witness the Curiosity descending to the surface of Mars like we were there! Too cool.
Symphony of Science - The Quantum World

A musical investigation into the nature of atoms and subatomic particles, the jiggly things that make up everything we see. What could be better than Morgan Freeman, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Richard Feynman, and Frank Close, all autotuned very well, in a fascinating and interesting video that is educational as well?!?

Fan Made Star Wars Anime.

I I love this depiction of the Star Wars Universe in an anime world.  Word is coming down that Lucas Arts is pulling this video, so if it is not avail, now you know why.

What do you think?  Would you watch an anime version of Star Wars?

You are the universe.

every time i feel like my problems are too big to handle, i remind myself of my origins: every molecule in your body was created in the heart of an exploding star. “we are star dust, in the highest exalted way, being called by the universe, reaching out to the universe, with the methods and tools of science.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson.

someone asked me if my fascination with the cosmos made me feel small. if, after studying the infinites of the universe, i would even see meaning in existence here on earth as such a small fraction of a fraction of a thing. in my opinion, viewing things on a cosmic scale can be very humbling, but at the same time make you feel so blessed, so special, to be alive at this point in time. it helps me to take a step back from the focus on our personal relationships and realize that a sad moment is far from everything. it also helps me focus on relationships though. because in this unfathomably enormous existence, what else can we do but our best to make it an enjoyable one? in our own small worlds, personal relationships are the most important aspect of living a happy, healthy life. without our friends, without our families, we are nothing.

so no, having a galactic perception of existence does not mean that i don’t see the importance of the small. if nothing else, it intensifies my appreciation. if we shrink down the age of the universe to one year, the entirety of human civilization has taken place in the past 5 seconds. so enjoy yourselves, you are here at the best possible time. keep calm, and remember:

Hey there guys!

I'm Katie, I'm gonna be contributing here for a while. :)
First, a bit about me then we'll get to the good stuff.
I'm 20 years old, astrophysics major in my first year.
I love to learn!
People don't believe me when I tell them I'm a nerd.
Until I start talking.

I'll post things I think are just swell, hopefully you'll get as much enjoyment out of it as I do!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sinister looks to offer some very nice thrills!

It is that time of the year, when the horror movies start rolling out.  I know many people talk about V/H/S being one the scariest movies in a long time, I disagree.  My feelings on the best horror movie in a long time was Cabin in the Woods, which just came out on DVD/Blu-ray.

But here is another movie that could be fighting for your scares outside of the Paranormal Activities and V/H/S of the world.
The movie is called Sinister and it stars Ethan Hawke as a criminal novelist that recently moved into a house that another family was murdered in.  He comes upon a box of old film reels.  The film reels show the previous families being murdered in the house.
Slowly, his entire family is tortured by the soul that is haunting the house, and that his family might be the next one on the film reel.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ben Folds Five are back and they are bringing The Fraggles

The nerdist Chris Hardwick was asked by Jim Henson group if he would be interested in doing anything with the Fraggles for their 30 year anniversary.